
More fucking horseshit.

Phillips did not “enter the space between them” - he explicitly said on CBS News that he walked into the high school group to prevent them from harassing the poor innocent black protesters. The fact that those black protesters were using vile, homophobic, racist language is downplayed by you,

Read the title of the article again. Maybe we want to avoid a group that has a tendency to eat their own if they don’t toe the line.

Why don’t you go out and talk to some conservatives? Ask them.
You’ll probably find that they are nothing like what you think they are like.

This website is too full of hate to have real conversations here.
Base rage and slurs gets more clicks.

Oh, you’re another of those “fact-based” people, I see.

I wish I had 5 stars to give you. You've earned it. 

This is a prime example of early mussel car.

Maybe Trey and Matt weren’t intending to say that

The same Idaho-based white supremacist group that recently targeted Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum with extremely racist robocalls is now targeting Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and Oprah Winfrey

Red heads are going extinct. Apple is futureproofing its emojis, just like it did with the headphone jack. 

i’m really glad they found all three of these devices before something awful happened.

You’re 100% correct. This article is about as biased as it gets. Second only to MSNBC and CNN - which are about as bad as Fox as far as being opinion based. I mean, I used to call myself a democrat but I just got too tired of the leftist nonsense. Now I just can’t be anything. I actually would almost vote for Trump

That’s racist

The correct response from the Brewer’s Association would have been, “Nah. Craft beer’s pretty good.” 

Thank-you for your comment.  I agree completely with you.  He has never said or written anything that can't be backed up with facts or statistics.  

It’s absolutely and pathetically mind-boggling. I survived 2 Bushes, 1 Reagan and will survive Trump. Reading responses here, I’m “alt-right” even though that is a term usually associated with Richard Spencer. A figure that hasn’t been relevant since Charlottesville.

All they see is a 15 second click bait clip and that is enough to condemn him. Are PostModern-liberals even human anymore? how much longer till they fully integrate with the machine that they allow run their lives? 

No such race. But I’ll play your game for just a moment...From what country are Palestinians from?

That’s just the way it is, and partly why Apple can afford to do things like build sprawling, $200 buildings in the heart of Silicon Valley.

What a sackless show. The right thing to do here is to take Norm to task for the shitty things he said. But Fallon is incapable of an interview that involves something other playing air guitar, tousling hair and giggling.

Yeah, and he’s going to get nailed to the wall by having to... *checks notes* ... accept $80 million dollars in stock options for stepping down willingly.

Showed him.

The Talk is going to be insufferable tomorrow.