Dwight Williams

Between her pulling the football away every chance she gets and her "therapy" sessions as a sidewalk psychiatrist, Charlie Brown was doomed.

Written exams, security clearance investigations, medical check-ups and so on…

Magick beats gamma enhancement. Comics or Cinema'Verse.

Not BP. Exxon-Mobil, or, back when Roxxon first started making their presence felt in Marvel comics continuity, just Exxon. The name was a bit of a parody, and their role in the comics got bigger and nastier as the decades passed and anxiety about the role of oil companies in human society grew.

There was a challenge she could have made instead of the blackmail threat that, had she done so, might have further cemented her heroism in my mind.

Peak Station?

And put herself halfway into a coma when she's not yet fully healed from the past six months' cumulative self-torture? Right in the middle of a fight of that sort?

I doubt AIDA will be the villain. She'll end up the sacrificial solution to one of the Big Problems of the season, but which Problem?

Trip, Raina, her parents…

What makes you believe that?

Start from August 1947. Post-National Security Act of 1947. Perfect point at which to rebrand SSR as SHIELD.

Excuse me?

I've heard no such assumption being in play.

Those artificial hands only have so much room for so much equipment…

No, I suspect ICERs are still part of the arsenal.

Comics-SHIELD has a subdivision acronymed "STAKE"…Supernatural Threat Analysis and Kill Experts.

And where did Tony learn about them from?


Multiversal investigations?

Colbert would be interested, if they offered it to him. Would he have the time?