Dwight Williams

If we're vigilant, prepared and lucky.

It's going to tell the tale of how the radio serial featuring that particular Superman adventure came to be produced…among other things of note and substance in US history.

Hemsworth was with Ruffalo re: Standing Rock. Johansson was at the Womens' March on Washington the day after Inauguration, speaking up for Planned Parenthood. And there was her "Complicit" turn on SNL the other week…

Well, Marvel's still raking in the cash. So the subscriber base is growing despite the Deplorables.

Rude, but on point.

So, given that he pulled that duty, I could believe he went in ahead of the officially recorded date. Even if Kirby was misremembering the facts, I could believe it.

A few years back in Secret Warriors, Jonathan Hickman started dropping hints that HYDRA pre-dated World War II by millennia. The Agents of SHIELD TV series took that idea and ran with it in a different direction than Hickman may have had planned for the comics.

Yeah, it's not the first time they've gone to the well of the brainwashed hero trope with this particular character. The first time I know of, it was Lee and Kirby themselves what did that story in Tales of Suspense in the 1960's. This one will be ended in due course as well, we hope, although the timing of the

Which he's done. Bless him and keep him safe.

I've read of some people referring to him as "Agent Orange Skull". Whether that fits…?

He's heard the sound of the trumpet. For real. Whether he understands it in those terms or not, and I give thanks for that.

Exactly. We want a counterpoint to that.

No thanks. Not even the original author of that wants it to become The Inescapable Future. She wrote it as a warning, not a how-to book.

C.J. Cregg for President. Just saying.

Bad therapy on the one hand, CTE-type brain injury on the other?

Hugh Jones, yeah. Same guy from both seasons of Agent Carter. It's been 70 years, so they've gone through several CEOs since his tenure.

The Raft has to have been a SHIELD asset reclaimed by the US Defense Department.

If Coulson had had time, his next line?

Bullet hole.

What would Reyes know about Vienna to hold a grudge about? Mace was standing between him and "Tio Eli". That was all it took.