Dwight Williams

That series on YouTube could some additional ongoing content. They don't even need to keep the same host characters for every installment.

Depends on which drugs for which reasons. In this case, she's trying to do right by a friendly ex-boss for honourable reasons. Also, medical support.

SHIELD is like Starfleet that way. You become a multi-disciplinarian or you die.

They may have said "Moscow". The map in the Director's office showed somewhere else.

A leader. Not the only one, now. Especially since they seem to have hit five different nations over the course of this mess: USA, UK, Spain, Turkey, Russia.

Wondering how they explained that time-zone issue…or was it that the crisis played out over days, not hours?

All that gear in the hand with forceshield-projection and not-quite-tricorder scan capabilities? FZZT.

There's a sad and disturbing thought.

Looks like - with SHIELD getting the job of enforcing provisions of the Sokovia Accords - they'll be getting some UN money. Member nations willing to host SHIELD bases and personnel - such as the USA - will be throwing some more money to SHIELD more directly, not unlike the RCMP being paid by several provincial

Blake's still out there. Nadeer's a new part of the equation, but those two can't be the only ones in play behind the Watchdogs…

They have an office in NYC, last I checked. Not sure where, but it exists…

Conway was specifically brought on stage at the AoSHIELD Season Four launch party last month as creator of the Punisher, right? And they pointedly refused to explain his presence beyond that, save that it will eventually make sense…

With refresher courses on a regular schedule.

Seven cities: Miami, London (UK), Los Angeles, Washington, Istanbul, Madrid, Washington and…not sure about the Russian city. Could be Krasnoyarsk or Novosibirsk.

The anthem is in the end credits. Bear McCreary called it the "Coulson Ostinato" once on his weblog.

The demolition of a couple square kilometres' worth of Sokovia's capital city - Novi Grad, yes? - doesn't constitute the complete destruction of that nation as a political force in their world.

Implied where and how?

Oh, now there's a disturbing thought.

So…Charlie Brown as Spider-Man…or Phil Coulson?

Probably started reading it when he was a kid himself.