dwight mannsburden

I figured Lisa was of the correct vintage (as am I) to get that. That novel was a big thing in the early 70s as a feminist statement.

don't forget granny in the nursing home, paid for by Medicaid

Putin left a golden pen for Trump as a gift…

How about Ken Jeong as the Yemana-analog character?

was he ever in your kitchen?

I only got FJ because I'd been to divided Berlin in my youth and actually walked on the West Berlin half of the bridge.

They only really believe in the prosperity Gospel: If you're poor, God hates you

We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn

Also, wasn't she Batman's Aunt Harriet?

Fuck John McCain. I am sick of his outraged Profiles in Courage act, which extends right up to the time he toadies up and votes the Cheetolini ticket.


I think you misspelled "covfefe"

Andere Wahrheit!

The Jews, some of my best friends are Jews. So smart with the law and numbers!

and then he doesn't pay them anyway!

Dammit Becca. That wager. WTH?

one of my top five Elaine moments

It's the arm hair.

I wish I'd seen more of it. There was dancing, and singin, and movin' to the groovin' in the snippet I saw. It looked like it was filmed in Whitetrashistan.