dwight mannsburden

and a Louisiana Congressman is OK with eliminating the rule, says the recent flooding won't ever happen again…

how do you explain the salt water and the mountains?

what about Tom Selleck? He's nice

too bad, Mary eating pot brownies would have been awesome

what if he got together with the Trevago guy? I don't think the universe would continue to exist.

Waiting for the Tailspin reboot. My kid loved that when he was a little guy

"They could easily reach Seoul but they would have literal fallout."

Ackroyd as Nixon (complete with a mustache) was pretty genius, along with John Belushi as Kissinger and IIRC the late great Madeleine Kahn as Pat Nixon

I read that as "love Tesla", probably because I've been reading car websites most of the day (don't judge, it's for work)

Are they perchance waitresses?

Kids, did I ever tell you about my false memories after we had a gas leak at home?

"What Trump did yesterday when he shot his mouth off plays exactly into what Kim wants"

still think that's what they should do for Leah Remini…

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!

s'all, good, man

Concentration. You could have racy puzzles now!

He's got a kid who's being doing sports in Detroit for many years. I think he'd be pretty good.

C'mon man. I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in…BRILLIANT

Transcripts would do. Possibly more talking about the size of various sticks.

Man's gotta have standards