dwight mannsburden

My FIL beat feet out of WV as soon as he could. He went into the Navy at age 15 during WWII. Going into a shooting war, serving on a submarine, was a better deal than staying in West Virginia

She should have googled "jimmy carter malaise". Telling people the truth isn't really #winning

I like Cheetolini…sounds like Chicolini from Duck Soup (about an unqualified guy who ends up being in charge of a country and starts a war…)

IIRC Elmore Leonard actually liked it, and he generally wasn't a fan of films made from his work

The Trump lovin' folks of West Virginia should be lining up for them jobs

I still vote for Darrin Stevens-ing it.

2BG by a wide margin IMO. Rules had a few amusing sparks, as did 2.5 Men in the beginning.

and a widow to be named later

Now how is that funny? Divorce is not good. Whereas dead wife…

Jeez. I Kevin't even.

Two Syndicated Girls!

why not just Darrin Stevens it?

That's Trumpcare 8.0 (I think we're up to that by now)

My MIL was from Belfast. She was not nearly as charming as Mary Berry (but RIP, Peg)

My sister says if she were going to switch sides, she'd be all over Rachel Maddow. I bet you dig her too

Jaws, when it first came out, in a crowded theater. ET as well.

One's a Saint Bernard, the other's a cop!

How, HOW, can anyone not roundly condemn sexy talk from Trump to the freaking Boy Scouts?

Spanish teacher, otherwise spot on.

so let's have fewer male soldiers! Problem solved, cut down the pool of potential Viagra users