dwight mannsburden

The burger cookin' one.

Chicks, man. No sense of humor, amirite?

That is one magic loogie.

When my son was barely standing up, he'd hear the Jeopardy! music and sway back and forth in time to the music. But he wouldn't be caught dead watching it today.

Whew! I feel so much better now!

If you've never seen the Kenny Lust (played by the incomparable Eric Idle) skit from Monty Python, check it out. I think the Trump cabinet saw it and said, how can we beat this? And then they did

Better Call Saul!

Gotta go with Big Trouble. As Roger Ebert said, it has its charms. I'm inordinately fond of Dave Barry but it was definitely an underachiever as a movie.

Debbie Schlissel is fond of calling Dearborn "Dearbornistan", and yet a better integrated community of Americanized Arabs would be difficult to find. She had a cow when the football teams (yes, All American FOOTBALL) dared to make some concessions to Ramadan for their Muslim students. War on Christmas, though.

"This is by a wide margin the most badass thing Bob has ever done"

A pox on all of them for not knowing Elmore Leonard.


yeah, I like it as well. Hope they keep it on


Dear Fox: it wasn't the lack of Jack Bauer that was offputting, it was the retread plot, stupid dialogue, ridiculous flouting of the premise, cringeworthy secondary storylines, etc. etc. etc.

They were actually surprisingly easy on Eric, weren't they?

snappy theme song. Which is probably one reason for Hawaii 5-0 reboot

Benghazi? I hear it's lovely this time of year.

watched the Watergate hearings whenever I could, but my part time job interfered. Still, we were glued to the whole goetterdaemmerung.

I think I was done after the first few paragraphs…the sentence structure, the overuse of adjectives, the general clumsiness…