dwight mannsburden

One of my best friends in high school moved to where my dad was stationed in Germany because Quaddafi kicked out the Americans in Libya in 1970 (yes, I'm that old). So it can definitely happen

actually think Linda is getting slightly better.

You forgot "dean of the air conditioning repair annex"

My money's on Giant Aneurysm 2017

Just like Donald!

and pillowfights all the time, right?

all the muslims got the code word to stay off the London Bridge…

Oh yeah. Any story on the news where some yahoo makes a big deal about God watching over him so he didn't get hurt in the tornado, but babies and nuns died, makes me furious. God IS a dick if that's how he works.

i'd say more a case of Obama derangement

it's their eyes…they follow you

Jesus Fieri?

He is indeed "uniquely despicable".

So…Hannity watchers are going to mount an effective boycott against Maddow. Yeah, I'm sure Whole Foods and Lexus will really miss their patronage (no idea if either of those advertise on Maddow, just saying)

And yet he persisted. So noble

I don't know about "pretty good" but certainly "scoring 95% lower on the clinical spectrum of psychopathically insane" would fit

You know, there are those of us over 60 who are with-it hep cats!

and now they'll really be able to gloat about how incompetent government is.

What's that? Trump's an idiot and/or a hypocrite, you say??

I read his book Blind Ambition when it first came out (I'm old, and was in college during Watergate.). It is a pretty good read and he is reasonably honest about himself