dwight mannsburden

so, President-Regent Melania? I could see her coming back to the WH if Cheetolini is bedridden.

My father was covfefe! Not that there's anything wrong with that

When I saw the "From the French" category, I thought, oh boy Alex must be excited. Five chances to impress with his accent francais. Zut alors, it was not to be.

He might want to consider as well that BMW SUVs are built in the USA. And all sorts of other complicated things about the auto industry—just having a driver's license doesn't mean you're an expert

Mr President, that's French for "my Negro"
Oh well, that's OK then.

Yeah, Braun is pronounced "Brown" auf deutsch, which is probably how I would have said it. Although Lloyd Braun is always "Bron"

I totally blanked. And I have a kid who was a TMNT fan in his youth

he misspelled "idiocracy"?

Then we might not get any Baby Fox Newses. OK by me

I would be OK with an Obama shadow govt.

I know, right? She's clearly incompetent

I would have had nothing. I totally blanked.

Does Marshmallow do that diaper stuff?

I'm holding out for a bad health thing. He looks much less orange these days. Puffy and just…odd.

I thought she said "Calvary".

Olbermann was amazing in the first few years of Countdown but when he got so rabid that SNL was satirizing him (how DARE you, sir!!) he was unwatchable.

McCain: "I'm very troubled by the President's *blank* and I don't think I can support it in good conscience"
Next day: "I will vote for whatever the President wants"
Sad. And not Trumpian "sad" but profoundly sad

God almighty, that was awkward

he's not only queerly gay, he's really most sincerely gay

I've been to global automotive forecasting conferences where the Latin American expert was practically in tears discussing Brazil. They keep saying it's hit bottom economically but it sure doesn't seem like it.