dwight mannsburden

won't someone please think of poor TIm Allen?

he was there, but no lines.
It was nice seeing the Pesto twins again, finally.


I was stressing over the first scene when the restaurant isn't busy and hasn't been all month. Bob, don't go out of business!

I'm old. I remember the Mad Magazine parody of Hogan's Heroes. At the end they decided they could be even more outrageous and turned the show into Hochmann's Heroes, with the characters being Jews in a concentration camp. They made a joke about the camp's baseball team's pitcher being so bad that he was sent to the…

Every once in a while Lindsey Graham says something that makes me think there's hope for him. And then, he says more things

No Soros?

Yeah, I'm kind of picturing him like Chuck on Better Call Saul when he's exposed to electronics. When Trump's away from the friendly confines of Trumplandia, he'll twitch and his eyes will roll back in his head.

The Earth isn't the center of the universe, nor is the Sun. It is the Trump, rising majestically above all, who claims that title. When he dies, all history will cease, as there was only a void before he was born.

my money's on her. She could kick his whiny ass.

Oh please. Like HE said this. The sentence structure is too complex and there aren't any exaggerated superlatives.

To harass the Rich family is beneath contempt. But some of the RWNJs go after the Sandy Hook parents so I guess it's not unusual.

actually Betsy would say "See how bad edumacation is, what with the government and the unions and all…VOUCHERS!"

No Harm No Foul: The teachers all took incorrect guesses as they were unable to identify Lake Huron on a map (Alex: "It's a beautiful lake.").

She had a normal voice in her first few appearances. Wonder who thought giving her helium voice was a good idea.

Ivanka won't be happy. Daddy wants to make her happy.

Maverick John McCain Is Troubled, Says Many Things

McCain keeps saying stuff. Waiting for him to DO something tangible

I believe that is "Walt Jr the Police"

and was carpet chewed? Der Teppichfresser!