dwight mannsburden

Can't remember where I saw a pic of their front page when this broke. They featured Hillary (negatively, of course) more prominently than Treasonous Trump

Was bummed about Susannah losing…she teaches in a city about 3 miles south of me (maybe she knew about Veronica Mars because Kristen Bell is from the same area)

How about Rosie O'Donnell? Bonus points for pissing off Trump in the process.

that's why God invented laugh tracks, so you'd know when they made a "joke"

"Hollywood caved to Trump haters and cancelled Last Man Standing! Like and share"

mmm. Yeah, that works for about another 10 years if she's lucky and then gravity will take its toll. Gravity is not kind to big boobies

Lazy is a great word for it.


Sing your heart's song!

God, that show. Free at last, thank god almighty we're free at last.

Der Teppichfresser?

I'd like to think Jeopardy screams "IQ above 110".

also took zero part in that child-raising thing. That's for losers, aka women

I don't think so.

So he basically sucked at the job he was paid to do.

Apparently Trump screams at the TV a lot when he sees things he doesn't like. Hitler (sorry, Godwin's Law) was called a Teppichfresser (literally, carpet eater) for his rages.
From William L Shirer:
"Whenever he goes on a rampage about Benes or the Czechs he flings himself to the floor and chews the edges of the

'They indicated in the pilot that it's a school that prides itself in being "PC" to the point of having a slug as mascot because it's "sexually ambiguous."'

Federal Boobie Investigator? Sure, why not.

I'm not sure that Trump actually knows what he wants. He is utterly reactive, wacky and unpredictable are outputs and not goals

Can AV Club install a button that just populates the comments field with "fuck these assholes"? Tired of typing it out.