White Goodman


Scores have been inflated with the entire rack of money balls. The shooting last night sucked.

Same. I thought to self that I did this. Ended up transferring to Binance to buy XLM.

I love TA more for being so pissed about this even though he picked CA to win.

You should watch the Hopkins Calzaghe fight she judged.

This seems to be the consensus amongst my friends as well. None of us thought CA won, but can see how 114-114, with first and last 3 going to CA. Not all draws are equal.

Serious. An entire country will watch, but I guess they don’t count. And you, Roberts, cared..at least enough to effort a click baitey tag-line.

When one db hits another db, society wins. I, for one, will be waiting on GGG-Alvarez.


Thanks. Needed hearty laugh today. Back to the salt mines.

Maybe he needed additional coaching re what working on his defense entails.

Decidedly not a puto.

He’ the most Chinese looking African-American ever. Not sure why I thought of that when you mentioned Gatling, but yeah, he was remakrably well above average.

Run TMC was no joke.

If they play by the rules from the late 90s, early 80s, Bulls win. How many PPG does Jordan average with today’s no hand- checking rules?

I’m so angry my teammates don’t call out screens, I’m going to shove the guy who did his job. And yes, I would like to rest the next game as well.

They can, and people do. The most famous example being the OJ Simpson acquittal criminally, but liable in civil case. And yes, would be brought against the estate now that he’s dead.

I can answer for my group of friends who are like minded Clips fans. Neil Olshey drafted a team, and gifted CP by the commish, ready to turn the corner. Rivers did dick with the talent (although an equal share of the blame can be shared by the players and training staff). This year will be the Clips’ last with this

I had another attorney in my office when a partner came walked in and continued to try to sell us on this garbage health product MLM. She had been persistent with the hard sell for some time. Somewhere in the pitch, she comes with the, “it’s been shown to cure cancer”. My buddy bursts out into a santa like belly

Probably safe to assume he wasn’t eating two dozen candy bars a day.