
I’m not sure how this necessarily makes sense. The key word I see here is “illegal” immigrants. I have no problem with people who want to immigrate to the US. I have a problem with people bypassing the system and taking advantage of government resources without the government knowing they are here. Does any other

I’m so glad that, much like the recent Root cross-posting, we get to enjoy an extra-large heap of Jezebel in our Jalopnik posts.

“The decision comes amid intense speculation about Kalanick’s ability to retain control of the company.”


A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.

The Escala is used in ads to help drive traffic to the dealer. It’s called the Cadillac Escala aid.

Why is this racist, crybaby garbage on Jalopnik?

Step 1: Buy COE from Alibaba

I’ve owned a couple Invictas. They suck. Lose too much time and are not durable at all. Look at “Orient” watches if you are in the market for a < $300 dive watch. MUCH better. Like LEAGUES better. hehe They have far superior Japanese movements and better build quality overall. I think Invicta may use (some)

I’ve owned a couple Invictas. They suck. Lose too much time and are not durable at all. Look at “Orient” watches

Yeah, they never existed before Jan 20 2017, in fact, there was no crime ever committed before Trump......

As a recovered pill addict: LOL this was funny. There, on behalf of the people everyone is proxy triggered for... I’m fine, I’m sure others are.

Karma doesn’t exist.

If we can’t joke about this, please provide a list of things we can have a good laugh about.

Jesus McMike, you’re a Rembrandt.

God damn, he must have finished the whole thing.

Stay in your lane, Ham.

wtf is this drivel.


Stevie Wonder, is that you?