
This explains my hour of Crucible yesterday. I haven’t done any of Osiris yet, I just haven’t bothered to buy it yet. But I was getting absolutely destroyed by one guy yesterday and that gun was it every time. My efficiency is usually a little over two and this guy kept me and the rest of my fireteam under 1 like it

I love anecdotal evidence.

No. No it is not.

I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with an entire “ranking” article on Kotaku.

Is watching a show really spending time together?

I totally get this. I’ve got an 18 month old and my gaming has gone down the tube. Really, I’ve got two choices. When the kids asleep I can -

The National’s new album, Sleep Well Beast is really growing on me with each listen.

To be honest, Jon barely fits any of the prophecies. Dany basically fits them all.

Tormund snapped off to die. “We all have become of outlaws, no, m’Lord. cold.”

I’m really glad her recovery from TBI is going well. My father had a TBI requiring a craniotomy about a decade ago and he used music really heavily to help his recovery. Complex games and books (things he used to love) are a lot more difficult for him, now. He cannot read without losing focus or ending up with a

Hennepin County is home to the largest number of people of Somali descent outside of Greater Somalia. Seeing a part of our community that is already at risk for many reasons put into an entirely unnecessary situation is morally reprehensible. Spouting your shitty anti-vax beliefs is one thing, but doing it to in a way

I hope GTA can do an actual plot.

I’m glad they’re moving in the current direction. As someone who runs a D&D club for high schoolers (I’m a HS teacher), this really simplifies things.

Somebody has been listening to RadioLab.

I hate this so much. For years I’ve gotten angry every time some right winger claims white liberals have white guilt. The problem is, if I do have any white guilt, its because of this kind of shit. I may have guilt about my privilege and we can argue about whether to call that guilt, but I definitely feel guilt over

I want this on xbox one so badly... I know it got mixed reviews, but the exploration parts of Skyrim and the like are always what hugely appealed to me.

Seriously, I hope Kotaku realizes what they have here. It’s the best written, the most impactful writing more or less anywhere. Are you writing for The Root, too? Either way, thank you for this.

An uneasy truce of raccoons.

I love when games have options to make them like this. I think it was Fallout 3 that had the option to give ammo weight, make hunger and thirst matter and also disabled fast travel. It was literally, and figuratively, game changing.

I am definitely a Coffiest fan. I legitimately like the taste, it makes a great go-to for commuting breakfast.

I am definitely a Coffiest fan. I legitimately like the taste, it makes a great go-to for commuting breakfast.