
The difference between watching a movie on HBO and watching a movie in the theater: in the former case, after you've paid to watch the movie they don't make you sit through fucking commercials! (just the coming attractions)

Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least they had a work ethic

I'm guessing period sets and costumes for the time span of Pryor's life could be a bit pricey.

I assume the comment is "in character" for a Generic Indie Kid

I thought the pronunciation "kee-AN-tee" was an interesting choice there as well. An allusion to Starling's "rube" background?

"Since You've Been Gone"

Cthulhu for President!
Don't settle for the Lesser Evil!

You don't know the half of it…

That *is* my life, but 20-30 years further in, so no switching to a construction gig now.

The closest examples I have are watching the Challenger explode on air (I'd set my alarm early so I could watch the historic launch), and watching the plane hit the second tower after I'd heard about the first one on the radio and got up to turn on the TV. Not the same as seeing an individual human go from live to

That's his fault for treating Gatsby like that.

I haven't had a dog since I was a little kid (allergies, among other things), but I felt the same way about this episode.

So basically, Corey Feldman is the prototype of the TV Tropes definition of Jerkass Woobie.

It's not the happy I minded - I liked that part - it's the maudlin and pretentious

I basically watched in order to see Carla Gugino

Would that be three things?
I'll show myself out…

I understand that, anytime you call, Constance would fulfill your needs, Winter, Spring or Fall - so I suppose she took Summer off?

The third takes place partly simultaneously with the second; the scene where Bourne scopes Landry from the roof of the building across the street and talks with her on the phone cues the point where the timelines intersect.

Ah of course, the obvious. I'm more of a deep-cuts guy… ;-)

Welcome To The Machine instantly comes to mind, but Pigs (Three Different Ones) - and really, most of _Animals_ - would be even more apt.