
My favorite - in fact, I'd say the pivotal - music cue in this movie is Under Pressure. I saw it once with the subtitles on, and it clubbed me over the head with how meaningful David Bowie's solo while John Cusack is holding the toddler was. This was the "shakabuku" that Minnie Driver was talking about when they were

This has become one of my favorite movies. In addition to the remarks already made here, I love the exposition. So many stories fall back on clunky "as you know" narration - this goes the opposite way. It's extremely spare and natural, show-don't-tell. My favorite example is how his relationship with his father is

This is where I should have posted: "We now return to Bullit already in progress…"

I've only seen this movie a couple of times, and like the Dirty Harry movies of the same period I often can't tell exactly where a scene is shot because I was only a little kid at the time and lived in the East Bay so I didn't have a good picture in my head of what the City looked like aside from a few landmarks.

I'm playing them both next to each other in my head - and now I want to hear it. Clips please!

They didn't build the fuckin' railroads, dude.

OTOH, he got props for his mad skillz in White and Nerdy (which I understand is based on something called Ridin' Dirty)

This is probably heresy, but I love the piano riff in Manfred Mann's Earth Band's version of For You.

You cannot lose if you do not play

Her daughter died pretty far away

I knew a guy who did this. Wore an eyepatch. Most un-awesome eyepatch story ever.

I relate so hard to 2, 29 and 30.

I read it. I wrote it. I meant it.
Any number of guns, well-secured and safely and lawfully handled by competent people, will have no more impact on public safety than any lesser number of guns in that context. Likewise, in the hands of someone who should not have a gun, one is too many.
The number of guns isn't the

Firearms instruction is, IIRC, still the bulk of what the NRA does with its money and personnel. However, that doesn't get the donor base fired up nearly as much as right-wing dog-whistle politics, unfortunately.
It's one reason why, while I'm more than happy to take advantage of NRA-run firearms instruction (also

I'm not down with the NRA's right-wing politics. (I go completely the other way.)

Lighten up

Actually it's an NRA instructor who taught that to me.

Lady Oleanna had a great line before, about how all the other houses had these macho badass slogans while House Tyrell's, "Growing Strong," is hardly the sort to inspire awe or dread. Yet that slogan holds more power than all the others: They grow the food that feeds all the other kingdoms. That sort of power - the
