
The "Under Pressure" scene, where the song that had been in the background suddenly pops into the aural foreground with David Bowie's solo (especially pronounced if you've got closed captioning on and read the lyrics), IMHO calls back to the scene just before when Martin and Debi were having a private moment:

It just won't notice the difference

I always did the egg drop + a chopped up hot dog. Never thought of the spinach, that would have been good.

Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos

I'm totally with him on Grosse Pointe Blank. There are so many scenes where the "show, don't tell" philosophy plays out perfectly - e.g. the graveyard scene he cited. This allows the story to interweave several different threads to tell a complex story and backstory without clunky exposition. And the soundtrack is

I also remember Gil Scott-Heron's nickname for him: Oatmeal Man.

Well BS didn't exactly get a pass - the words most often associated with it are "offensive" and "politically incorrect" - but it's also one of the funniest movies ever made.

They're set in Toronto but they're all filmed in Vancouver.

These people clearly never saw Blazing Saddles - or didn't get it.

One YouTube video guy recently changed his "Five Stupid Things" series to "Five [something] Things" because some of his viewers complained that "stupid" was derogatory towards the mentally challenged, similarly to "retarded".
Me, I have no problem with either word, as long as it isn't directed against those with an

Which do you prefer, an incompetent whiny sadistic monster, or a sadistic monster who shows skill and maturity and is good at his job?
(This is the choice that faces us every fourth November.)

"Robb made a smart military strategist…"
I think you mean "tactician".
And that's entirely the point of Tyrion's seemingly douchy correction of Cercei when she repeatedly used the word "strategy" in place of "tactics". She honestly doesn't know the difference, and that is her downfall - and so it was with Robb. As he

He seems to have a good time with Doug Benson and all the other potheads he has on the show. He makes fun of them in the way potheads make fun of ourselves and each other. Sometimes it seems almost wistful.

No one is the villain in the story they write for themselves, and the best writers and actors of villainous characters understand that.

She's said things about self-liberation before. Her outlook has changed as a result of all the shit she's been through. I could see her becoming a republican, or at least a parliamentarian

Not even a mention of Pierce Brosnan? Actually the only one I liked him in was GoldenEye, which is currently my favorite Bond movie largely for the "Bond girl" Natalya Simonova who was the opposite of the "oh, James!" stereotype. And of course Sean Bean dies (spoiler!).

Quantum of Solace had the potential to be an interesting lefty take on Bond - the villain being an industrialist privatizing third-world water supplies, at the exact time that there was a huge upsurge in that kind of activity, and mass resistance to it, going on in South America.

It's happening now. Places like Ferguson are the new ghettoes, with police in suburban and exurban areas increasingly resorting to self-funding through jacking up poor/dark people with lame-ass infractions to meet ticket revenue quotas. The increased incidence of shootings is a result of that plus the dumping of

I'm one of those too! Except I don't actually blame my right-wing uncle for anything, as he's such an inconsequential dim bulb there's nothing to blame him for, except filling my email and newsfeed with annoying/baffling/nauseating garbage.

aka Dances With Wolves In Space