
I just logged on for the first time on the new system. Does everyone miss Disqus now?

"so much childish" - sez "Tit Window" …

The destruction of the Sept was a tragic accident.

I don't think there are any jocks at the Citadel. It's strictly Nerd Heaven.

She's wanted him dead since he was born, because she blames him for killing their mother. And as noted, he did murder their father. So finding out that he didn't actually kill her son won't make much difference.

Wrong. When Jon was stabbed to death, he died. Then he was brought back.
Daenerys didn't die. She just walked out of the flames.
See the difference?

Oberyn had his own motivation for fighting House Lannister as a whole, and The Mountain in particular. It was that motivation - the need to hear The Mountain confess and point the finger at who gave the order - along with his recklessness in not keeping a safe distance between him and his fallen and dying foe whilst

"Unburnt" and "undead" are two different things

"unguent" IIRC

He and Tyrion are the best duo - and I really loved it when Bronn was in the mix as well, back when Tyrion was the Hand in King's Landing.

The way I read that scene was, Hoover was barely holding it together & had to stay stone cold or he'd completely lose it.

Anna Kendrick tries to hook up with another mentally atypical assassin, but all she gets is a painting

The cannon, Newt mentions explicitly when planning the raid on the Confederate troop train. (Just saw the movie again, now it's on cable.)

Love it!

Try Florida

You're violating their Free Speech!

I have no idea why I got those strange line breaks. I've gone and cleaned them up, thus rendering your post confusing to future readers. :-)

I've spent my entire working life as a word processor, the bulk of it for lawyers. Word processing is fast disappearing as a job description. Increasingly, lawyers think they can do it for themselves, or that their secretaries can handle it. When we get documents from other firms & clients, it's always obvious to us

I thought his character in Be Cool was too one-note and over-the-top - but then again, that goes for the whole movie, which was basically Get Shorty minus everything good about Get Shorty.
I never did see Pain and Gain.

They do resemble each other to a disturbing degree