
I give not one quantum of fuck about video games, "gamer-gate", Sarkeesian, Thunderf00t, "radical feminism" that focuses on niche media and subcultures rather than actual harm done to actual people in the actual world, or the "manosphere" variants of the He-Man Woman-Haters Club. The last video game I bought (and

Looking at the bright side, that was the only post of that type in this thread, and everyone else addressed the actual points made with actual relevant counterpoints and arguments. So, yay AVClub!

Ms. is not a "maiden's title" - that would be Miss.
Ms. is a title from which one can draw no conclusion, one way or the other, about a woman's marital status - equivalent to Mr. The point being that, just as with a man, a woman's marital status is irrelevant except under those specific circumstances under which it

Thus illustrating exactly his point when he said above:

I'm with you there - but there are some good ones. I'm a big fan of The Bible Reloaded.

I remember seeing him in the audience during Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech (that awkward moment…). It seemed obvious to me he was doing future role research. Smith is the obvious choice to play Obama in a biopic. Aside from the color (obviously), he has the height, the build, and most crucially, the ears.

It was always my understanding, from both the length of the lists of charges, and the fact that they change each time, that they're made-up, part of the con.

Appropos of the holiday recently celebrated in the USA, I offer:
You know, when Europe sends its people to what they call the "New World", they're not sending their very best. They've got lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with [them]. They've got diseases. They're thieves, rapists, enslavers, and

They play her regularly on San Francisco's KFOG (104.5 FM), particularly on their Sunday morning "Acoustic Sunrise" program. And that particular song is a favorite during this season.

I don't know. I think she could have given him an education …
Okay, "hello nurse" and "hot for teacher" just collided. I'll be in my bunk.

Harriet and Cleary have a lot less space, but more respect for each others'. And the dialogue is a lot more fun.

I don't recall Bertie ever showing even the base-level racism of the time. He was never anything but honestly thrilled to be working for Algie. And Thack's opposition to Algie is more on the level of "pragmatism", thinking about how things work from his world's POV.

Gallinger is the Frank Burns of The Knick.

Dammit, I haven't had to read Hebrew since I was 16 years old - and that was a helluva long time ago. I can read just enough to be frustrated by this.

In Part II, he puts Lenny Kravitz with Courtney Love. I guess he couldn't go with real life:
Lenny Kravitz is half Jewish,
Lisa Bonet's half too;
Put them both together,
What a fine-looking Jew! (named Zoe)

I clicked on the YouTube link on the video above & started watching it. Then I saw the next one on the queue was Thunderstruck, and clicked on that instead.

My favorite Charles Dance line in the movie is when he realizes the implications of and opportunities offered by the Golden Ticket:
"If God were a villain, He'd be me."

Is there a TV Trope "All branches of the military are the Army"?
Bagram is an Air Force base, not an Army bass.
And our two flyboys are naval airmen, their shipmates seamen, not soldiers.
I don't even know why I care, but maybe it's because simple stupid errors highlight how much of a fuck is not given here.

That punch line was great - they're not trying to extract information they didn't already know, they're confirming that /he/ knows.

I wonder if Storz & Bickel paid for the product placement. I don't think I've ever seen a Volcano vaporizer on TV before.