
As annoying as John Mayer's voice and infuriating his lyrics are, he _is_ a kick-ass guitarist.

smh [facepalm]

I wonder if he'll live to see Scottish independence. I have a feeling he's hanging on for it.

The late great Utah Phillips was like that too … and we liked it!

Just around New Year 2006, my mom called to tell me that, while at the hospital for something completely unrelated, she'd been diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer, and that she had a few months to live. The way Betty approached it was so much like how my mom did - no tears, no regrets, very practical. I was only able


I don't see competition. I see synergy.

A classic "Coyote moment"

No, but he's a dick for delivering the news to his congratulations party. Let the poor schmuck have a happy piece of cake before you shatter his dreams, can't you?

Likewise, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension! (1984) promised in its end credits an upcoming Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League, which I am beginning to suspect is probably not going to happen.

I think that's the "unwritten bylaw" Jax was referring to. Echoing back to when Juice was first suborned to betray the club, by being blackmailed due to his being half black, which apparently mattered. And when the truth came out, everyone seemed to agree it was a stupid rule.


James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron.
James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is … James Cameron.

In the USA, it's "which nobody can deny". I like the Brit version (which I believe I quoted above) better.

I thought that went "…and so say all of us"

Unfortunately, none of those were within easy walking distance of the Motel 6 I wound up staying in, and I was limited to walking distance for reasons you don't want to hear about.

All the justified bashing of chain restaurants notwithstanding, I've enjoyed Marie Callender's bowl-of-chili & cornbread meal, followed by a hunk of pie, when I'm on the road and there's nothing but chains within easy reach of whatever motel I wind up in. (Most recently, Redding CA)

When you start coming with the lobsters, it's time to quit.

I first read the term on TV Tropes:
where it's stated that "This character type is usually male, but can be female as well."
So it not only predates New Girl, but the show features a less-than-usual example.

From book signings (separated by a couple of decades), I've got Matt Groening's and Michael Moore's signatures.
And I've got Bernadette Devlin McAliskey's signature on a poster from an event at Ireland's 32 in San Francisco - which was actually an after-party after a much larger event at Mission High School. That