
Okay, now I'm going to have to see it.
(When it comes to pay cable.)

"Put down the rock, ma!"

Now I'm playing that solo in my head.
Thank you. (I love that solo.)

I knew just enough about medical history to know it was Heroin - particularly, why it was called that.
I learned quite a bit more from watching this show, particularly from the cards at the beginning with a fact relating to that episode.

I wouldn't call it "contrived" as everything follows logically from everything that's come before.

He was just there to give Stephen Hawking an excuse to say "Wrong again, Albert!"

And a big shout-out to the birthplace of "4:20", San Rafael, CA, in my neck o'the woods.

I was thinking exactly this from the moment we met them. Though (and I didn't know this until just now) Duchovny's of Jewish heritage, so maybe Levon's Jewfro is a generation-skipping gene.

"Seeing Things"

You beat me to it.

I was immediately reminded of this exchange:
Varys: I've always hated the bells. They ring for horror, a dead king, a city under siege.
Tyrion: A wedding.
Varys: Exactly.

Y no _Meddle_?

Global thermonuclear war is a strange game, the only way to win is not to play.

How about a nice game of chess?

I haven't seen the Beck story - will have to look for it.
The other story I've seen here today that I saw elsewhere first is the _Toy Story_ story, which I first saw posted on Facebook.

Except me. I've edited TVTropes (under a different handle), and am not at all into anime.
Helpful hint: Most Tropes pages are subdivided into media, where it's a simple matter to close (or not-open) those media you're not interested in and open (or not-close) those that you want to see.

Mike Post has written some memorable TV theme songs. _The Rockford Files_ theme got some airplay too.

You are most certainly allowed to give your opinion. And then the rest of us are allowed to give our opinion of your opinion, and of you, personally, for having such an opinion. And if you don't like it - well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

"And so say all of us" - close, but not quite