
Will they keep updating PS3 firmware after the PS4?

I'm not sweating the Blu-ray player I don't have - those are (as others have observed) cheap.
It's replacing my perfectly fine ED-resolution plasma monitor with an HD monitor. Especially since they apparently don't even make screens anymore without speakers and "smart" stuff I don't need because I already have 5.1

Funny you, in particular, should say that.
When I read that bit in the article, I was thinking:
"Chuck Norris, take Bruce Lee apart? Only on White Boy Day. Maybe"

When you watch it on DVR and skip the long commercial breaks, it comes out to about an hour of actual show - about as much as a premium cable show.

To me, Tara crossed the Moral Event Horizon here.
Bad enough to fake a pregnancy.
But here, she's tricking her husband into believing his mother killed his (non-existent) offspring in utero, in order to make him hate his mother enough to deny her access to her grandchildren - as one step in a plan, the next of which is

* Real IRA
Which is actually a thing

^This. In the end, someone even said something about revisiting the club's racial policy, and that no one really gave a shit about that anyhow - IIRC.

Bubbles is the only character who gets a happy ending. And very much earned. Seeing him cleaned up and eating with his sister & her kid was all that saved The Wire from being unadulterated hopeless misery.

This might be redundant - I'll have to look for the post below that you mention - but Mad Dog Time supposedly all happens in the mind of Vic (Richard Dreyfuss), as the opening and closing bookend shots indicate. Jeff Goldblum's character represents the sane and grounded part of Vic's personality. When Goldblum starts

His performance as Pooh-Bear is the only thing I really like about The Salton Sea.
Which, now that I think about it, also had Gunny Hartman in it. But in a decidedly non-awesome role.

My favorite bit was at the end of this exchange (copied from IMDb):

The Conversation makes much better use of jazz as "the music of the smart but off-kilter mind" than Homeland, imho.

When I saw the topic, my first thought was Gene Hackman's wig-out at the end of The Conversation.  Surprised it didn't make it in the main article.  Glad to find it here.
I love it so much because he doesn't go apeshit and bounce off the walls. He just slowly, meticulously dismantles them, and everything else, until

I always scratched my head at the bad guy in 48 Hours sitting in the hotel room, with a hooker, watching Astro Boy.

When I saw the headline, my first thought was Duel, right?

"The film is based on the story of Robert and Ila Faye Dent, who kidnapped a Texas state trooper in 1969, setting off an hours-long chase that drew hundreds of law-enforcement offers"

Gemma always seemed to me to be a cross between Queen Gertrude and Lady MacBeth.

And this, kids, is why you Never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire. That means you have your target sighted and confirmed.
See also: "I just shot Marvin in the face!"

… or The Wire
(though S5 of The Wire is my least-favorite)

I've heard that Paul is planning to play one last concert at Candlestick Park before it's demolished. That being the venue of The Beatles' last big concert. I wonder if there's any connection, nostalgia-wise.