
More cowbell!

@PugsMalone:disqus Of course, I had to go straight to YouTube and search "jimmy savile top of the pops grope" to see what you were talking about.
Got several hits, this one on top:
Wow. Is that an example of "hiding in plain sight"?

But Herzl wore it sincerely, not ironically.

Some advice from someone who's been there:
Don't quit if there's even a slim possibility they'll lay you off, with severance, continued benefits, and unemployment insurance. (When this bubble pop in a year or so you may get a chance.)
Don't cash out your tax-deferred retirement savings, unless you're prepared to lose

I think "Driver 8" is my favorite, I like most of Fables of the Reconstruction. Also like "Orange Crush". Not into their maudlin stuff - especially this here.
And whatever the message of "Shiny Happy People" was went past me, I just thought it was lame.
I wasn't sad to hear R.E.M. were calling it quits. I liked some of

@avclub-cd1db6bdaab0f94ac28022bf20b6d1a6:disqus I know a guy who has nothing good to say about Kwanzaa. Because he was a Black Panther, and Kwanzaa was invented by Ron Karenga of the "US" organization - and the two groups did not get along.

For the right price, she might be down to Earf.
How does one Earf, anyway? Is it really kinky?

At least Clapton gets credit for inspiring an activist organization.
That being "Rock Against Racism".
"Credit" might be the wrong word.

@bwanaben:disqus that makes me uncomfortable

@avclub-5f9f536414d688922b8162cca65b9655:disqus I suspect quite a few brilliant scientists, male and female, started off as lab techs. I don't see why it's sexist to suggest that Dr. Carol Marcus followed that career path. I mean, Kirk wasn't Captain at the time, either. I imagine her friends ribbing her about that

I haven't seen Man of Steel.
This makes me want to.

@avclub-330671103d4be2bf266f714e49f8579b:disqus I couldn't be troubled to rewatch the movie either, but I could be troubled to do a simple online search for the quote. I found a YouTube video compiling apparently all of Freeze's puns in the movie, and "Ice to see you" does not appear - as one would certainly expect if

This is as fun - from the completely opposite direction - as comicbookgirl19's cast list.

Mance: "What the fuck did I do?"

I look forward to his portrayal of Barack Obama.
He really is the perfect actor for the part. I don't know anyone else who has the same kind of calm charisma, plus the ears.

I just read a blog article noting that, in fact, Kirk hardly ever "hooked up" with any space-babes, and most of the times he did, he literally "wasn't himself". He was actually something of a "space tease." His character only really became a womanizer in the movies, what with the movie writers writing more for Kirk's

Starting from the end:
His father and mother are both known - so not a bastard.
Wildlings are from the North - so no to that.
The sister-fucking is entirely consensual, not unheard of in this story's universe (though usually applied to Targaryans), and honestly their relationship is one of the better ones - they really

Yes, but she has probably the biggest army around, as well as an air force, which no one else has. All she needs now is a navy.

It's daughters Frey's got too much of; to marry them off - to a guy with a title, even better - is all he really needs in the world.

I've honestly never listened to Smiths lyrics. I've always just listened to the vocals as another instrument. But when I read the line quoted in the article: “When you say it’s gonna happen now / When exactly do you mean? / See I’ve already waited too long / and all my hope is gone.” - oh shit, is that ever me.