
Haha you are using a medium that can identify the dumbest thoughts in a idiotic place to express them. Obviously you can fish out a narrative there.

Yeah, comments like these aren’t unusual. Every newspaper that allows comments sees this crap daily.

“We don’t want THE GOVERNMENT controlling businesses!”

*trump starts telling businesses what to do*


Yeah, this is not a good time to be a woman in this country. Not anywhere.

Your name is HAMILTON and you are giving “whites” shit based on comments from a WSJ article? You have seen your reflection, correct?

I live in Kentucky & would like to have a child with my husband. It’s laws such as this one, plus the fact that they are going to repeal the ACA & roll back medicaid that make me terrified to commit to pregnancy. And I have a good job with insurance. But what if something goes wrong? These assholes are not looking out

This is ballsy stuff right here. how about reporting on the demographic of crimes committed in Chicago? Third white, latino and black and just the black teens getting shot. Waiting on the whites to use the N word no doubt instead of tackling something tough. You pussy.

It’s a goddamned shame this is what deadspin has become. This use to be a pretty cool place to come and read about sports, but ever since Gawker got its ass (rightfully) kicked in court, its writers have been dispersed to other sites including, unfortunately, deadspin. So now I have to read some cunt named Ashley


Way to cut and paste from the WSJ comment page and call it “writing”.

“We’re all gonna go have ribs because I know the best rib place which is Bubba Gumps Ribs in Times Square. World Famous! All black employees and they love me.”

Reporting on the comment section. What a job.

Thank you for this prompt reminder of a 6 year old story.

Omarosa & Megyn Kelly are proud to present the symposium on race.

He did play in Boston.

Yeah, just as timely as your post about the 4 black people that stole a car, kidnapped a white special needs man, beat him, cut him, made him drink toilet water and said “fuck white people” and “fuck Donald Trump”, all in Obama’s home state.

“I dont care because Don King told ME that I am HIS negro which is much better I think. We had a shrimp cocktail last week. Hes a fabulous person.”

Use one of your pubes like a real man.

Bill Russell used to throw up before and sometimes during every damn game.

I mean, do these anti-woman people really think that a woman just up and decides to abort a 21 or 22-week fetus? A woman and her doctor make this kind of decision (I’m comfortable in betting 100% of the time) because they have discovered there is something so wrong with the fetus that it has no chance at anything but