
In "The Exorcist" the demon uses the word "cunting" thusly:

It helps to be a hot white blonde lady.

It would be less annoying if A) they were not talking shit online like a bunch of teenage broads and B) they were any good at all at wordplay. Their "burns" would be laughed out of a grade school cafeteria.

Whats with these fuckin' 8 year olds?

At least there are no gays on the team. That would be an unbearable outrage.

Finally, Lady Gaga has found a way to capture live on stage what I feel when I hear her fucking lame dance music on the radio.

Looks smart.

Fixed it.

Making other people throw up is not going to unbreak your heart, holmes.

I guess there are more fucked up things he could have done.

The song is about Anthony Keidis doing heroin and eating his friends jacket?

Her face is, on its own, not attractive. At all.

Its happening, people.

Its only a matter of time before punk ass kids and their BB guns put an end to this shit.

I thought she was Puerto Rican...?

I guess theres a group who maintains Santa was originally from Africa or something but was later made white to appeal to Europeans. All I know is the Easter Bunny is Mexican.

I cant recall that happening. Refresh my memory.

Then they left the ice, cashed in their savings and opened a 24 hr dog shaving boutique together.

Honestly? I have no fucking clue what they are actually trying to say either. It sounds like your typical corporate/political bullshit non-answer that we are all, sadly, getting too used to hearing.