
If you had to either have sex with your mom ONCE or wear one Rollerblade for the rest of your life which would you choose?

Can you imagine how fucking loud it would be inside of one of those things?

Parts of the Houston Heights where I live near downtown are still dry unless you are a member of a bottle locker club.


Those fuckers deserve to be exposed.

I never saw "The Graduate" until last week.

"Those be some attractive and successful student athletes"

Post links/names.

Nice, but I'd prefer a simple scenario involving his balls and a wood chipper.

I'd be happy with #87 Dude Banging Reigning Miss Universe.

No dude, she sucks.

Best rapper before MOH recipient?

Thats not funny.

Wow, hopefully karma will issue forth in the form of an out of control lumber truck barreling through his yard as he checks the mail.

"Alright, alright, al-......."

Shes trying too hard

I like to bake mine in a peach cobbler.