Locker room talk.
Locker room talk.
Then you LITERALLY dont know how to read.
Maybe they should make movies that dont suck.
They arent wrong.
I guess its not surprising that Hollywood is the land of words and no action.
Its Trumpian in its obviousness not to mention insulting to the intelligence of anyone over five years old.
“If I had known then what I know now, I would not have acted in the film.”
Fucking Hollywood people. Jesus.
So anybody can say anything on twitter now and derail someones career.
Breast cancer is a problem that can be helped by having money thrown at it.
“Across the population of America how many people knew Harvey Weinstein was engaged in decades long sexual harassment? How many people knew it was possible that someone like Weinstein could engage in that kind of behavior for so long with no consequence?”
Im sorry but im pretty sure everyone is very aware that rape is illegal.
Sure, because when a nation enslaves their population in concentration camps and threatens to nuke the world we should give them things.
fo sho
Why does the “MASTER RACE” always look homeless or 50 lbs over weight?
People can be two things at once.
Who says feminists dont understand humor?