“...the Japan Canoe Federation..”
“...the Japan Canoe Federation..”
OK, I thought you were joking.
I cant imagine what kind of a loser this guy was in HS.
The weakest losers are always licking the balls of some tough talking authority figure. Its a comic book fantasy for them.
I absolutely believe the majority of the women who have come forward and I also believe that its being handled stupidly. I believe that these women should have come forward years ago so these shitheads could be jailed but I also understand why most didnt.
Dude looks like he has a duffel bag full of dirty panties buried in the backyard.
Ivanka continued, “Having fucked my dad many times I can tell you he is a very considerate lover.”
When every other hashtag is “BAN MEN” or “MEN ARE TRASH” what reaction do you expect from a bunch of people just trying to make a living?
Because its a flawed approach that will color everything done afterwards. The truth is women need mens help in this. They cant take what they want. Anything they get will have to be given to them by a man. Some will be glad to help but others will say the right things and quietly circle the wagons. Absolutism isnt…
I have no idea other than kids dont know its racist until somebody tells them.
The historian Shelby Foote has a great quote about the Civil War which ill paraphrase, “The South never had a chance to win that war. The North, from the beginning fought with one hand tied behind its back. The South never realized how outmatched they were.”
OK, so can we just make it legal for white people?
Did he help Al Gore invent the internet?
“...are actually kind of defensive and annoyed...”
Right, lol, the “straw man” accusation. As old as the internet.