
Me too, like at the bottom of a pitcher of margaritas.

While your friends are up the their ear holes in dirty diapers and used kleenex drop some extra cash and spend a week in Tulum. Thats where I go when shit gets too real.

Shouldnt be too difficult for people who are not giant dick holes.

Maybe you could call a family member or a counselor who would listen to you...?

Of course, lol, thats it.

Yes, lol, you sound like a very careful “word” person. Im sure you have the best words.

You should buy a dictionary.

Sure buddy, go drink some Nyquil.

Not at all, I think you should cry a river every time somebody says something that you dont 100% agree with. Because thats what adults do.

Aw sorry youre feeling bad.


The proof is that he is on the air and will continue to be.


Great, im glad I could help.

Now youre getting it.

I dont think anything of you.

The world doesnt revolve to validate you. He said trans people deserve equality and then made some jokes.

“And those were based on past performance, especially on his ability to achieve insight on racial issues.”

Yes, Netflix paid him sixty million because the first two were colossal failures.