
That shirt is Funke.

Well it was better than staying named after Enron. Don’t want the team to be thought of as frauds.

The “he’s just a kid” arguments fall on deaf ears when the kid is black and shot dead. It should not apply here. Even at 12 my kid knew better because he’s not an asshole.

Everything about that video is fucking nightmare fuel.

If Savannah sincerely wanted a balanced interview, she should have questioned this kid the same way women and girls have been questioned for their choices, especially by the Catholic Church!

“I’m sorry you caught me.”

Yet another “I wish I had not gotten called out for my actions. I was under the impression as a well-to-do white male I could do whatever I wanted.”

I know he’s just a kid but fuck him and his victimhood. He knew exactly what he was doing and has zero remorse. 

Sandmann explained: His classmates, are not “racist people,” they—like he—come from a school that does not “tolerate racism.”

Looks like his body is starting to reject the donor whiskers already.

We all know what we saw.

That doesn’t hide the fact that he has no chin, it accentuates it. It’s like a comb-over for the chin. They’re all so weird about hair

As someone with a full, thick, rich beard, I just want to say...

I guess bodybuilding isn’t going that well?!

Can’t wait for Fox news to air ‘The Covington Chorus’ and shows how the MAGA Kentucky kids rebuild after everyone tells them to maybe don’t mock and intimidate vets and the elderly.

I’m a girl, so all my life I have been told that my clothing sends messages to other people. If I wear a skirt that is a little too short or a shirt that shows a little too much cleavage, I am apparently communicating that I consent to being groped or worse.

On a very minor side note, they’ve ruined red baseball caps. I looked good in my red baseball cap; now it just sits there, wondering what it’s done wrong and why we never hang out anymore.

I am always curious what these people think wearing a MAGA hat says to the rest of the world.

Well they did have the black halloween whopper.

I forget where I read this (here?) but someone said that the people who want to ban abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother’s life prove that the “Pro-Life” movement is about punishing women. The fetus doesn’t change based on how it was conceived, so why would abortion be okay in some cases