This is what happens when you let rednecks out of their little piece of shit town and into the real world.
At least Enron was an actual company based in Houston right down the street from the stadium. Thieving sacks of shit that they were.
Why dont they just make it where little girls cant have male coaches and shit?
Great, thanks for clearing that up.
You know whats great about herpes? You cant catch it twice.
Yeah, I say he needs one solid punch in that smug fucking shit head face of his and then let it go.
In Houston we have Minute Maid Park because when you think of Houston you think orange juice.
Wheres your MAGA hat, pussy?
We all know what we saw.
So glad that the legacy of a sweet and talented man like Freddie Mercury will now be tainted by an association with gay super-rapist Bryan Singer.
And anyone teaching above grade 4 also gets a free AR-15 (ammo not included).
They both look like homeless people who could ALMOST be attractive.
I feel vaguely bad about myself that I dont even fucking remember which one this is or when it happened.
If he collects enough donor whiskers he may one day be able to form a crude chin out of them.
Dont short out the internet with your pussy ass tears.
I hope congress passes a law to prevent that from ever happening again.
Yes, its only about punishing women and thats all its ever been about.