Jesus Christ, and I thought your “Taking the Hassle out of Shoelaces” and “Combing Your Hair Made Easy!” stories were embarrassing.
Jesus Christ, and I thought your “Taking the Hassle out of Shoelaces” and “Combing Your Hair Made Easy!” stories were embarrassing.
Jack N The Box Taco.
You get what you pay for around here, dude.
White people be barbecue’n like this “Uh, excuse me Robert could you please pass the Tang?”
Shits gone downhill ever since Louisville got the internet.
That thing is weirding me out.
He raped her at the bar?
If you had to either have sex with your mom ONCE or wear one Rollerblade for the rest of your life which would you choose?
Peyote Night.
Bringing your baby to a Dodgers game is an ingenious way to get him to go to sleep.
Who’d you think he was gonna vote for? Ben Carson?
So football throw boy isn’t this century’s foremost political thinker.
“And if you’re in from out of town try some Mexican food while you’re here.”
“I’m getting pretty darn tired of all this injury speculation. It makes me want to spit!”