At least someone is speaking up for the real casualties of this atrocity, New England fans and their endless sense of victimization.
At least someone is speaking up for the real casualties of this atrocity, New England fans and their endless sense of victimization.
Winston decided not to appeal the the game suspension after making a bet that he could go three games without an interception this season.
“The First Lady turned to the children and in a sweet but somber tone began, ‘I truly understand your pain. Day after day, trapped. You don’t know who you can talk to or who around you actually cares. Even with all the fancy toys,’ as she gestured to some games and potato chips the children had scattered around their…
Ill get you the number for my cocaine guy.
Camped in Yellowstone for 9 days, with my ex-gf’s family. We were together when the trip started and broke up about 4 days into the trip, 20 miles from any form of civilization. I packed a bottle of Johnnie Walker red and I drank the whole thing over the course of the next couple of days. Let me tell you something,…
Seems like by now the first thing they would teach people at Cop School would be : Dont Shoot People In The Back Because It Looks Bad And Its Kinda Fucked Up.
Nice career arc there.
look at that weak fucking chin.
Don Jr. keeps all his intelligence in his chin.
Little Don and his painfully obvious, so very macho tough-guy hobbies — HUNTING! POWER-LIFTING! — all of which scream,“I HAVE A MICROPEEN” to the world. Does he have a really loud Harley, too?
“Despite strong gun control laws, white woman brutally shot by alien”
Fox News tomorrow