
The problem is not with the penalty of death itself. There are many crimes that you shouldnt be allowed to commit and go on living (Like this ass head). The problem is the way it is implememted and the fact that innocent people have probably been executed.

“Doesn’t Jezebel mainly cover celeb news?”

This is a direct quote from the video, stupid.

If these “writers” had done their job maybe I wouldnt have had to.

Oh, I know.

I got a sore throat on Xmas night standing around the fire pit drinking vodka.

Ill try to stay optimistic that someone is going to give this story the attention it deserves but I doubt it.

Oh its not weird if you understand their angle.

Yeah, if one of these “writers” had watched a fuckin’ TV show with too many white people on it last night we’d be up to our necks in cry-baby posts about it.

Oh im sure this will disappear into the Memory Hole any second. lol

Yeah, ive been seeing it since early this morning on every other feed and ive been posting the link on every story here. It was mainly an experiment to see how long they would ignore it but they finally buried it on Gizmodo where the least amount of people will see it.

Here, or on your phone?

Yeah, after I posted the link all morning.

They are very, how should we say, “racially selective” about the stories they decide to post.

When are you guys going to mention this?

The silence on this story is deafening and is proof positive that Jezebel is a racist site.

Hey! Heres a story idea you guys could talk about today.

Uh dude, you may not know this but black on white crime doesnt exist here.

I wonder why this story is nowhere to be seen here today...

Are you insane?