If I had a bowl of assholes and three of them asked me to kill them id probably just kill all of them and be done with it.
It has to be periodically rubbed with hooker tears to stay supple.
It always cracks me up when I see aerodynamic space craft designs as if it matters.
Anyone with a chin-strap beard should be executed without trial.
Shes probably just headed back down Mexico way to visit the fam.
An NWA member being disrespectful to women....?
Not impressed.
This is the type of shit I would find. Newspapers and Alvin and the Chipmunks.
It looks like sobriety packed his shit and took off from the parking lot hours before.
Probably made it less painful for her at least.
Who’s gonna pay to repair the parking lot?
So those guys didnt notice a massive fluctuation in flow through the line?
“Every onerous regulation puts American lives at risk.”
Is that fuckin’ shark pic for real?
Dont do this anymore.
Liquid Oxy & Topo Chico.
Depends on how much cocaine is in my body.
The truth is out there.