
Can relate.

Teaching him how to tackle right isnt going to help him unless every other dad teaches their kid the same thing. To me its not worth the risk. I think that the values you wish to instill in your son can be learned through other sports. It takes the same commitment, teamwork and perseverance to excel in soccer, track,

Hey man, do what you feel you need to do. I had two concussions as a kid. One in a moto cross race and one in a karate competition (I won neither).

Are you still going to watch it when there arent enough talented skiers to support televised competition?

Im glad Chris Tucker is still getting work.


Notice the NFL promo no longer features two helmets ramming into each other.

I think the lab boys are still working on that one.

You are right, I guess I should have said it would be the beginning of the end for the NFL. I think 20% would be the tipping point that would end a lot of HS programs and possibly tank some college teams and viewership would begin to drop off.

Thats about right since the NFL emulates both a religion and a military organization.

True, ye olde “no discernible link” argument.


“Jive turkey.”

The NFL is the tobacco company telling us that cigarettes dont cause cancer.

What do you mean?

12. Paid a hooker to kick him in the face.

Mexican Navy commandos are about as “elite” as the Haitian Delta Force.

Its always hilarious when somebody woth a totally ordinary last name gives their kid some “noble” first name like Anastasia Shackleford.


The Hellfire has been around for 30 years, im sure the Russians have grabbed one somewhere.