Are you actually shitting on them for doing exactly what women are asking for?
Are you actually shitting on them for doing exactly what women are asking for?
Actually he chewed off the meat left by Ice Cube on the bones of this Isley Bros song. I cant believe this song was so good it spawned TWO other good songs.
Mike Macdonald and Kenny Loggins?
Yeah, thats tight.
This dude is super talented.
Well, it makes these white ears fucking bleed.
“The Voice” where contestants must guess which hidden recorded message is that of founder L. Ron Hubbard.
Sounds like Dallas.
I dont tip at counter delis either. Or when picking up take out.
fuck no.
Only one question matters when discussing porn with a feminist: Would you encourage your daughter to go into porn?
Yeah, this is biological warfare.
I work in the O&G field in Houston and you are very correct.
Thats one way to keep her husband out of trouble.
“I honestly don’t have any hopes for this country anymore.”
Arming teachers is like having a rat in your house and then giving a gun to a rattlesnake and letting it......
“Stay tuned motherfuckers!”
I barely cared when they were actually going on.
Im trying to limit my negativity this week.