
I wish we could all just acknowledge that TS does not make “music” in the universally understood meaning of the word. What she does is manufacture sequences of noises that allow her to continue to be worshiped by people who admire blonde whiteness above all things. If you plugged any other “singer” in this song it


The foundational principle of FOX is “CNN gets it wrong sometimes so that gives us license to be wrong all the time and on purpose”

Because a young, blonde, white millionaire needs all the daily encouragement she can get.

Maybe it can run for office.

Or maybe America can take a break at the all you can eat buffet of shit and pick up a book so our next president isnt one of the fat ass kardashians tanning beds.

He is using it the way every other internet tough guy uses it. Stupidly.

Well, its kinda hard to try and develop in depth, long form stories for an audience that has the attention span of a lawn chair.

I think its more like she is no longer accepting paychecks because she stopped doing any actual acting over 15 years ago.

I like what he is all about.

“So I began to eat my apples, at this point covered in saliva, snot. I’m sitting on the edge of the couch, not really saying much, wanting this to really be over.”

Training is the only thing that allows people to overcome paralyzing fear. You cant just give somebody a gun and say “Ok now go be a Navy SEAL”.

Thanks but I already know how to be a douche bag if I want to go that route.

Im less worried about that than the teachers simply freezing when shit starts to go down. Those situations are extremely stressful. Ive both been shot at and returned fire and I can tell you its nothing like a movie.

That would mean hiring more officers which they obviously dont want to shell out for because it turns out you actually can put a price on the lives of children.

“Maybe a part just wasn’t casted right.”

Is there any extra pay involved for the teachers who are now responsible for gunning down thugs?

Looks like im driving around in an IKEA.

I like stuff like The Shape of Water.