

Video games arent real people.

To me every face tattoo says, “Save room in jail for me”

Im struggling to understand why these are still being posted.

Sure, if he isnt living in a box in five years.

“As usual, the teens understand what most adults still don’t...”

Right, because the internet has no place for women who want to make cash with their pussy.

There are plenty of places online for cam whores.

Was that last one an elbow shot?

He is expressing his love for the Astros and The Honeymooners in a totally inappropriate way.

While I was watching my penis began to retract into my abdomen.



What in the name of high school football is that fucking shit?

“Eee-vill roller skates...?”

I believe the children are our future!

She flies? Like on airplanes?

Then DJTJ whacked Mr Bun-Bun over the head and told him to go back to Mexico.

Norma Rae like a motherfucker.

Already seen it.