
I think he's a little old to play at this point.

The Ravens arent hiring?

"BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL..." wait, that's not right...

like Yu Gi Oh

No, in this photo he is Dwayne Johnson.

Playing with a ball for a living is kind of bullshit in general but thats all Lance Armstrong has to do nowadays.

Thanks guy, you should record this conversation and release it as a cure for terminal insomnia.

What's he supposed to do, card her? This wasn't a question of 'rape' it's a question of statutory 'rape' which is usually just used to persecute males. Puberty was invented for a reason. It signals the brain when to find a female sexually attractive.

Dont let them listen to that fuckin' rapist Pepe Le Pew.

Who to the what now..?

Does anyone have any warm milk?

We rapin tha English language?

I think the pager is one of those ones they give you at TGI Fridays or shit when you're waiting for a table. His old lady didn't keep it from her days of slinging rock on one-two-five.

"Non-sexual relationship"? So, they are married?

He made a good point when he said that thing about you dashcramming it.

Crimea river

Hide yo personal pronouns!

Now playing

Unfortunately the police were unable to make an arrest as nobody wanted to admit to being beat up by the Gap Band.

America lets you have a great life if you get off the internet and go do something. You probably don't know what I'm talking about though, so nvm.