
"Better cop all my deep V's before it's too late."

Dry those tears, Missy:)

You sound dumb.

"I'm literally crying from literally two lines of Rihanna's new song"

No Viceroy?

"market research revealed a strong demand for holiday hits all year long."

They're friends with Miley Cyrus and Kendall Jenner.

"I done paid cash money for this baby"

As long as they arent working they cant do any harm.

No dummy, we kill them to make sure they dont commit more terrorist bombings that kill children.

Just what the world needs, two more vacuous dip shit models.

He was drunk as a lemur.

Couldnt they have just driven out of the factory in Detroit to do this?

I met Ian Rapoport at the airport in Tahoe last Thanksgiving and he took a dump in a potted plant.

"Hes not gay, you have to be human first."

"...filmmaking that takes place in Columbia, Miss.—home of the University of Missouri..."

Hopefully here on the great plains where insanity is not uncommon..

That and singing out loud to your iPod music.

Dont apologize, thats good stuff.