I think what he is saying is that he appears to be more focused on social justice activities than football which is a problem for the guys on his team who want to win and continue their career.
I think what he is saying is that he appears to be more focused on social justice activities than football which is a problem for the guys on his team who want to win and continue their career.
I cant keep those shitty movies straight but yeah probably.
“focused on football so I wasn’t really listening to what was going on in the stands.”
Yeah, except that Ali was a gigantic asshole who met with the KKK to discuss their agreement on segregation.
Package includes a midnight showing of “Blade II”.
It would be pretty fucking crowded.
Invest in bullets, people.
Daddy issues.
Jesus should have more important shit to worry about.
Nobody will ever be on the same level as Richard Pryor.
Not quite.
Can we please end this shit?
Good luck, dude.
People are insane. I got in more fights at that job than in the rest of my life.
You should know I can only make love standing up.
Imagine how many bottles of Febreze they go through.
Typical Trump supporter grabbing the pussy.
I think its almost impossible NOT to notice the traits of physical attractiveness when they begin to appear in early adolescence but for the love of sweet Jesus you dont talk about it.