Giuliani says “our recollection keeps changing”
Giuliani says “our recollection keeps changing”
“Melania Trump, the First Lady who crawled through 500 yards of shit and came out clean the other end.
Well, its true she is not a model. Shes an athlete.
I thought we canceled Kanye because of his Trumphumping.
You try getting that high before an NBA finals game and see if you don’t fuck up a time or two.
Yeah, but he knew the score, his team was leading, it was only the third quarter, and WHY DIDN’T J.R. JUST THROW IT TO LEBRON LIKE HE’S SUPPOSED TO?!?!
She’s fine. She’s just visiting Shelly Miscavige.
*dumb husband
Those fucking sweatshirts look like the shit I made with fabric paint in grade school.
I disagree. People would assume that’s just the way things got divvied up, and the guy was just a sore loser and a whiner.
Out of the dozens of Kurt Cobain guitars she has, she gave this one to her husband. I suspect if the roles were reversed - that is, a guy giving his wife a guitar, then the wife being awarded the guitar in the divorce settlement- there wouldn’t be any outcry at all.
As someone who battles depression, what would make me happiest right now is for you to die a slow painful death.
“I personally believe that U. S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don’t have opinions and, uh, I believe that our opinions, like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should—our opinions over here in the U. S. should…
I can’t fault anyone for what they believe - Becca Kufrin
Honestly, what happened to RAISING children? We would have been sitting in the damn car so fast our heads would spin. Poor Mom - but she only had to do it once per kid and we were very well behaved after. Nothing like everyone else getting a treat that you’re denied due to your own behavior.
Well.....she is a cunt.
“I have honestly never understood mental issues.”