Yeah, what the hell does Martin Scorsese know about directing films?
I limit myself to a dab of Drakkar Noir at the crest of my butt crack.
His character is ambiguous enough to be villainous but still sympathetic and even funny.
Fjord Tough.
Have you ever seen the women in El Paso?
With speeds in excess of 40 mph!
I wish I could show off some bite marks from Emma Roberts.
Forget it.
She once refused to stay at a luxurious hotel in New York City because the doorman wore a beard and she had no desire to be raped.
Wow, a shallow woman fell for a rich dickhead? My world is turning upside down.
Not exactly hard to believe when coming from the Nazis most enthusiastic collaborators.
This, my lady, is no mere "jumpsuit".
Wow, what little girl wouldn't want to grow up to be a sexless ore miner??
And my zipper goes all the way down, momma.