
She’s 23. I think the window is much smaller at that age.

see this is the dwayne i like

Nope, LGBTQ romances and documentaries.

Aint no place for feelings in the hacking game, son.

He continued, “Also, while Melania is visiting her mother in Babylonia or wherever im gonna create a few more jobs....BLOW JOBS!! Hahahahaha! But seriously I am really going to have sex with my daughter. Not Tiffany, she weirds me out.”

Dude. That’s just wrong.

I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on. We have speed, we have a lot of other things, but I’m not sure we have the kind the security we need.

We should have hacked Putins Netflix account and four starred a bunch of shitty Van Wilder movies to fuck up his reccomendations.

Call me in five years when she starts getting naked left and right to un-Disneyfy herself.

A “star” I never knew existed until this second.

a 23-year-old Disney Channel star

Probably the only funny roast I years. I still chuckle over Samberg’s bit.

Fuck all that.


Do these tough guy Trump supporters ever stop fucking crying??

Jesus, how about a trigger warning?! Now I just want to do shrooms in the desert.

“The only peaceful resolution to all this is for them to obey the Constitution,” he said, condemning (as ever) Obama’s abuse of power. “Read it, understand it, abide by it. There doesn’t have to be violence. None of that has to happen if they would just abide by the Constitution.”

Thank god. From a legal perspective, I have no doubt that the French court reached the right decision; her life was certainly not imminently threatened and the law, for very good reasons, restricts the availability of self-defense as a protection to a murder charge. So yes, I think she was guilty of murder under the

I just contacted the seller and he wants the money in cash.