

I totally get what you’re saying. Incest is incredibly taboo, lending it self to reactionary rather than critical thought. If two consenting siblings want to bone, I don’t see what the problem is, obviously reproducing comes with it’s own concerns, but again, as long as sex proceeds with the consent of all involved,

Two women one man is a fantasy I have never heard from women. Two men one woman- yes, I’ve heard that. Repeatedly. Two women who are into women don’t need a man there.

She certainly has more cultural capitol, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to the power dynamics of their particular relationship.

Well, in that case carry on.

I don’t know how many guys fantasize about it, but when I’ve had two-girl threesomes I don’t touch the other girl because it’s not my thing/vaginas freak me out because they seem like caves that I don’t know what’s happening in. So it’s two girls just pleasing the dude. No dude has complained thus far at least.


Here’s an example of how sex can be unethical.


But I dunked it in water! Also, keep in mind the five ten thirty second rule.

A lot of ppl play with water in the solo cups and a side beer. No need to be so snide!

Beer pong is fucked up.

whatevs, brah.

Actually that is exactly the answer I was looking for and I totally agree with you.

I don’t think you want a real answer but I think between consenting adults who haven’t been groomed or abused incest is fairly benign. I think the Kardashians are just fine. I don’t watch their show, but as far as I can see they aren’t harming anyone.

Always a tea-bag truther in the crowd

I thought that a true teabagging required nuts touching the face or head. This was more like momentarily sitting on his chest.

Thats a nice non-response.

Or we could just get Buzz Aldrin to sucker punch him. I’m good with either

Do you realize how much money that will cost?!?!?!?!