
So one of your writers can screencap and openly mock a commenter that didn’t even attack her personally but you guys are deleting every single comment that disagrees with you? OK.

We’ll probably be next to disappear into comment oblvion at the hands of an insecure writer.

“I’m over it. So over it.”

AND it looks like one of the writers is openly mocking a commenter on Twitter, calling her “one of the worst people” for asking about Luke Cage. That is one damn way to treat people who support your work.

Yes, and banned some people too. LOL! They cannot handle hearing people poke holes in their arguments or point out very real issues with the way they view artistic endeavors. It’s pathetic.

Dont want discourse, want echo chamber

Did you guys seriously go through these replies and delete threads that disagreed with your opinion? Because that is what it looks like and if so, that’s some bullshit. Not exactly how you encourage discourse.

I’m also enjoying how even though comments like yours have the most stars, they are being pushed below the view more comments line.

It makes me sick to think this how people who are paid to write about film discuss art.

C’mon now. You can’t be racist against white people!

Saying you dont like a movie because there are too many white people in it is pretty much the textbook definition of racism.

This site didn’t used to be filled with such radical insanity. It used to be funny and weird and full of great stories. But now we get “ANYTHING WITH A WHITE PERSON IS GARBAGE” crap. Fucked up.

I guess you haven’t heard that it’s now up to white filmmakers to tell stories about PoC (so they can then be accused of appropriating those stories or something, and we can continue this endless cycle where nobody is happy about anything).

Its about average around here.

Ok, I see.

Who’s story should they make a movie about?

Because feelings.

“....what we’re force-fed from white filmmakers...”

Clover: We can often tell the difference between a person who wants to tell a genuine story and the person who presents the illusion of caring.

In Hollywood, too, it’s clear that white mediocrity still dominates conversations and capital—see:Manchester by the Sea, La La Land, Nocturnal Animals, etc