
“Im just gonna get in my Lincoln and drive, man......Maybe get some waffles....”

If I was that rich id have twenty kids.

if for breakfast, yes.

“...we’ve had a First Lady who, with all due respect, was blessed with very nice curves,..”

This is gonna change everything!!!

Eh, I'm sure when the big moment comes the Seahawks will probably pass.

I bet poor black people everywhere are rejoicing at the courage of these brave millionaires.

...and it officially becomes this year’s Ice Bucket Challenge.

“People don’t know this about Iraq, but they have among the largest oil reserves in the world.”

The TV thing... Makes me think of an old friend who called it “Change the Channel Embarrassing.” You knew the setup, you knew the punchline before it happened... Cringe. Mute. Press Channel Up quickly.

I would also like to never see “bae” again. Awful.

You idiots paid to see that??

Because the stupid ass redneck fans love crashing and fighting.

Even ass-backwards organizations have to have some facade of order, right? Look at the barnyard musical that is the NFL and how it ‘looks out’ for its’ players...


Let’s hope he likes stories about gladiators...

Someone: “You should spend more money so your product is better.”

