A sport so insanely boring that the way people let go of the bat is analysed. This is nothing.
A sport so insanely boring that the way people let go of the bat is analysed. This is nothing.
The message is the same though. He’s on our side, it’s OK, put up with it.
I don’t want to see Biden stop hugging people either—but why can’t he just hug up on people who have asked him to do so? I know I would love a hug from Joe! But it would be really easy for him to keep his hands to himself unless he gets a request to do otherwise.
It’s hilarious to sit here and watch you people destroy your only chance to get out of a second term from Donald Trump.
Yes. It is true.
Got it, so in reality you’re just worried that all the women you go around touching inappropriately are going to be emboldened by this, right? Thanks for clearing that up for us.
Nah. I’m not conceding a God damned thing until AFTER the primaries. The primary is designed to winnow out the wheat from the chaff. If Biden can’t survive this, he’s sure as fuck not going to survive Trump. But what do I know? I’m just an old white lady who votes.
Everyone deserves space to learn and grow, and his response sounds like he intends to. The way he acts isn’t so abnormal for his age, and not everyone has learned at the same speed to broaden the concept of consent to everyday interactions.
The fact that Lucy Flores is part of the Bernie Sanders group”Our Revolution,” has campaigned for and been given funds by Bernie Sanders, and had her own scandal while running without success in Nevada,(ripped off Elizabeth Warren’s website, and blamed her staff) should be mentioned every time her Biden story gets…
Flores has now had the opportunity to tell her story - multiple times. Biden responded appropriately in my view. He didn’t think he was being creepy at that time but now acknowledges that he will ‘pay attention’ when people (women) speak about these matters and presumably do better.
Look, I like Biden and will probably vote for him if he gets in. He’s the one polling best against Trump, and I want Trump out of office and sanity restored in 2020.
Ughhh... I really hope we don’t have to endure a Kanye: Black Pastor phase.
Do her parents also live in this house?
Does anyone else find this girl scary, like clown scary.
LOL.................ooh! you are a devil, But I like you. :)
Narcissism, cocaine, cheap whiskey, and syphilis are a helluva thing.
His name’s Blurry Face and he doesn’t care what you think.
That is an insult to both Robert Redford and microwaves.
20 seconds in when Giannis gets up to hug the girl, the one cop gets all jittery like he’s going to have to shoot someone.